Chapter 8 - Scorpio: Dying To Be Reborn


Scorpio: Now popular among the surrounding villages, the man finds partners with whom he can share his wealth and popularity. He also learns to get paid for the entertainment and knowledge he provides and becomes a member of a tribe.

Share Directly With Another Individual; Merge Your Resources and Qualities

Scorpio: (Water Element in an Interpersonal Context) Motivation, skill and quantity in relationship resolves into a small number of more focused and intimate interactions where resources are shared a kind of osmosis takes place.

Getting in touch with Scorpio: Go to a private; secluded space with someone you want to get more intimate with (and they do also); share a hot tub, food, secrets and whatever else will bring you closer.

Scorpio Astrology: A resource for discovering hidden motivations and desires in our intimate interactions to transform those energies and strengthen the bonds of relationship.

Scorpio Hero: I am willing to endure any challenge, disease, or even death itself in order to overcome my own limitations. I am deeply connected to the heart of the individuals I interact with and will go through anything for them.

Scorpio Villain: If I don’t get what I want, I will take it anyway. I am obsessed with power and my own personal magnetism. I use people and then get rid of them.

Section Titles:

Scorpio: Strong Medicine

The Magician: Applying Magic to Everyday Life

AstroCosmic Alchemy

Quantum Sexuality

Sexual Evolution

Archetypes and Evolution

Evolution Through the Spheres

Astro Weather




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